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A Little Bit About Igbo Language Academy



    To Work For The Survival and Development of The Igbo Language And Position It as an Instrument of Communication Not Only Among Ndigbo But Also For All Those Who Desire To Study It As A Language of Communication and Culture.


    To Provide A Framework For The Regulation And Advancement Of Igbo Language Studies.




    To Make Igbo One of The Most Respected Languages In Nigeria And The World And Re- Position It As A Resource For Ethnic Validation




The Academy shall work in Committees. It shall set up specialized /technical committees to carry out specific assignments, e.g.


     Committee on Terminology could be charged with the development of technical and scientific terminology on a variety of professional fields.


    Dictionary Committee will be responsible for putting together an Igbo dictionary


    A Standards Committee for setting/ prescribing appropriate standards for grammar, phonetics and composition.


    An Awards Committee for meritorious services and contributions towards the advancement of the Igbo language and culture.




The significance of these developments includes:

1. A commitment to a Pan-Igbo philosophy and renaissance of which Igbo studies will be the epistemological hub.

2. The Igbo language will be studied as a language in its own right and not as an appendage to any other language or civilization. It will be private driven.

3. It should gain the support of our Igbo Diaspora cognoscenti and other Igbophiles.


  • Goal Oriented
  • Critical Thinking
  • Thinking Outside the Box of Igbo Language
  • Igbo Communication Skills
  • Leadership Qualitites
  • Ability to Elevate New Ideas
  • Imrove Old Ideas
  • Presence

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Children in igbo attire

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Adults in igbo attire