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The significance of these developments includes:

1. A commitment to a Pan-Igbo philosophy and renaissance of which Igbo studies will be the epistemological hub.

2. The Igbo language will be studied as a language in its own right and not as an appendage to any other language or civilization. It will be private driven.

3. It should gain the support of our Igbo Diaspora cognoscenti and other Igbophiles.

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I Professor Ihechukwu Madubuike, PhD, D.Litt (Hons) is a Former Minister of Education, Nigeria (1979), Former Minister of Health (1994), Author, Ighota Abu Igbo (1980) and Facilitator, Igbo Language Academy, Abuja, Nigeria.

Works for the survival and development of the igbo language and position it as an instrument of communication not only among ndigbo. But also for all those who desire to study it as a language of communication and culture.

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