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Members will be publicly admitted with appropriate attire resplendent of the dignity of Igbo traditional costume. A flutist with a group of dancers will usher them in Other events will include:


    Seminars in Igbo language

     Periodic Press Briefings



The Academy will have a functional secretariat, which will be manned by an Executive Director. The latter shall be in charge of the day-to-day running and up keep of the office and shall be answerable to a Plenum. His office shall be open to the public at all working hours and he shall attend to their interests. He shall have assistants. Volunteer workers shall be welcome.



All those who support the ideal and idea of setting up the Igbo Language Academy shall make the initial contribution and shall continue to be active in sourcing for funds. We shall also seek funds from international agencies like UNESCO. Endowments and grants shall be solicited from the business, political and intellectual elite.  





The significance of these developments includes:

1. A commitment to a Pan-Igbo philosophy and renaissance of which Igbo studies will be the epistemological hub.

2. The Igbo language will be studied as a language in its own right and not as an appendage to any other language or civilization. It will be private driven.

3. It should gain the support of our Igbo Diaspora cognoscenti and other Igbophiles.

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Children in igbo attire

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Adults in igbo attire